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What Clients Are Saying

Alex is a true professional, incredibly knowledgeable on Belmont market, efficient, detail oriented, resourceful and patient. His no pressure approach made the buying process much easier for us. We have trusted that Alex was looking out for our best interest at all times. He always worked around our busy schedules, arranging showings on short notice. Additionally, we have saved a substantial amount, as he helped us find a house with the least issues, and then helped us negotiate and get the terms and price we were very happy with.
Alex truly made our purchase a pleasant experience. We have actually recommended his services to a few of our family friends, and everyone was grateful as they had a similar experience.
We highly recommend his services, as we found Alex’s help invaluable !!!

G. T. - Home buyer, Belmont

Hello, Alex,
I was very Satisfied with all your help and your Outstanding service that you provided to me and my Family, so therefore we have referred many of our friends and relatives to you and also Hope you can sometime in the near
future sell my sister her property as well and hope that you will go out of your way for her as you did for me.
Thanks again for all your Help !!! I appreciate everything !!!

A. Halajian - Home Buyer, Watertown, MA